Kristy & Kyle

Hi! We are Kristy & Kyle

Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves. We admire your love and courage in considering an adoption plan for your child.
We are a caring, fun-loving and energetic couple. We love to laugh together and enjoy the simple things in life. We make homecooked meals, enjoy Pizza Fridays and weekend coffees on our porch. We lead a healthy lifestyle, and we love to be outside and explore the world. As teachers we look forward to supporting our child’s development and growth, as well as enjoying our summer holidays together. We have a tight-knit group of friends and family who are just as excited as we are to welcome a child into our lives. We can’t wait to be parents and have so much love to give!

Meet Kristy

Kristy has a passion for helping others and this is why she became a teacher. Her career brings her great joy and fulfillment as she gets to support and mentor students each day. She is a people person who loves being with family and friends, especially her niece and nephew. She enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, skiing or reading in the backyard. She is a creative person who loves to decorate and work on home projects with Kyle. The children in Kristy’s life adore her because she makes them feel special and designs fun games and activities for them when they visit.

What Kyle Loves about Her

Kristy is the most amazing woman I know. She is funny, kind-hearted, intelligent and ambitious. Her bubbly laugh is contagious just like her positive and energetic spirit. She is always up for an adventure, especially if it involves kids or animals! Kristy keeps our home organized and is a whiz at turning leftovers into new delicious meals. She is one of the most generous and empathetic people you will ever meet, and she gives selflessly to others. Kristy’s compassion, patience and endless love will make her a wonderful mother.

Meet Kyle

Kyle loves the outdoors, science and playing sports. He enjoys many activities from golf to frisbee to scuba diving. He is passionate about his career as a high school science teacher and also loves to coach. Kyle is still a kid at heart! He is a favourite at the family cottage because he jumps in the lake with the kids and helps them build LEGO. In his spare time, Kyle works in the garage to build creations for his niece and nephew or to bring one of Kristy’s designs to life. He is a great chef, plays the guitar and enjoys hosting family and friends.

What Kristy Loves about Him

Life is never boring with Kyle. He makes me laugh all the time with his bad dad jokes and loves to make me smile! I know he will be an amazing father who will teach our child many new things like riding a bike or learning to ski. Kyle is a patient and kind man who puts his family first. He is a thoughtful and supportive partner and is very loving. I admire his wide range of talents, especially his ability to solve any problem while remaining calm. Kyle adds the perfect balance to my life, and I can’t wait to grow our family together!

Our Home

We live in Southern Ontario in a city that has a beautiful waterfront, hiking trails and ski hills. It has everything you could need including parks, community centres and a cute downtown!

We live in a 3-bedroom detached home with plenty of space for a family. We have great neighbours and many young children on our street. Our home is steps to playgrounds, trails and an elementary school.

Our family room and rec. room are perfect for building forts, movie nights, and playing hide-and-seek and board games! The kitchen is the heart of our home where we love to cook for family and friends. We are excited to make a mess and bake cupcakes with our child, letting them lick the icing off the spoon!

We have a great backyard for making memories. We are most excited for our child to run around and play in the sprinklers! We also have a garden where we grow many delicious vegetables that we sometimes eat right off the vine.

Our Promise as Parents

It is our greatest dream to be parents. No family or parent is perfect, but we promise to always do our best.

We will provide a stable and healthy home where our child feels safe and welcome.
We will unconditionally love our child and nurture their unique talents and interests.
We will set routines and boundaries that help them develop and grow.
We will focus on teaching them to be kind, to work hard and to forgive others.

Above all, we will fill our home with love, respect and laughter.

Thank You

Thank you so much for considering us. We cannot imagine how difficult a time this must be for you. Whatever decision you make, we wish you peace and the best for you and your child.
If we are fortunate to go on this journey with you, we would welcome staying in contact through the sharing of letters, texts, photos or in-person visits. We understand that you may have a different comfort level with openness, and we promise to fully respect your wishes.

We would be happy to talk or meet with you if you would like to know more about us.

Kristy & Kyle

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