Private adoption is an option the many parents choose either because they cannot conceive or simply to create a family. It is usually part of a long-term process after many years of trying to have a child.
Private placement adoptions are voluntary. Birth parents voluntarily place their child for adoption, usually at birth, out of love for the child. Birth parents choose their adoption plan and personally select the adoptive parents after reviewing adoptive parent profiles. Adoptive parent profiles (sometimes referred to as “Dear Birth Mother Letters”) cover topics such as lifestyle, career, interests, friends, family, hobbies, and other pertinent information. They are visual presentations containing many pictures of the adoptive parents in their everyday life. If you do not have one yet, we can help you to create a profile as unique as you are, increasing the likelihood that you will stand out and connect with that right person. Your profile allows you to easily share your story with those considering placing their child for adoption.
Before you can be approved for an adoption placement in Ontario, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services requires that you have a S.A.F.E. homestudy and that you take part in P.R.I.D.E. training. At Adoption O.N.E. we will discuss the process with you and can direct you if needed.
In registering with Adoption O.N.E., we can help you define your “comfort zone” through discussion regarding the birth parents and baby such as gender preference, health, ethnicity, and any other requirements you might wish to implement. At Adoption O.N.E., we do our best to present your profile to birth parents that fit your preferences. It is important that you are comfortable with the choices you make. Birth parents also are encouraged to implement filters regarding the families they wish to review. By implementing those preferences for birth parents and adoptive parents, we ensure that you are only presented to birth parents with whom you will be comfortable and you have the peace of mind to know that you meet the birth parents’ requirements for a family prior to your profile being presented. This matching process of personal selection increases the likelihood of a successful placement.
As you wait for a match it is essential to have a good network of family, friends, and neighbors to support you through your adoption process. It’s also important to connect with other adoptive parents. You can begin making these connections in our facebook support group for adoptive parents.
One of the most important things you can do while waiting for an adoption match is to let everyone know about your hope to adopt. Many adoption connections are made through word-of-mouth referrals.
Not flesh of my flesh,
Nor bone of my bone,
but still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute;
You didn’t grow under my heart
but in it.
- Are you licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCSS)?
Yes, Justin Ellery has been licensed with the MCSS for over 29 years.
- Are there any restrictions on who can adopt through the agency?
We facilitate domestic adoptions and relative adoptions in the province of Ontario.
- Is there a waiting list to register with the agency and how long is it?
We are now accepting registrations with our agency. We can arrange a meeting that will be convenient for all parties involved.
- What are the fees for registration with Adoption O.N.E.?
Prospective adoptive parents can register with the Adoption O.N.E. through an initial meeting where your information is gathered, we discuss the adoption process, the role of the licensee, the philosophy of open adoption, we review your P.R.I.D.E. and S.A.F.E. completion or we refer you to an Adoption Practitioner if needed. We will also look at building a profile that you may want to post on our website. The registration fee of $350 allows you to meet with us so we can better understand your needs in order to find the right match for you. If distance is an issue, we can arrange a meeting through Skype.
- How long has your agency facilitated adoptions? How many adoptions have been finalized through your agency?
Over the 27 years of being licensed with MCSS, Justin Ellery has, on average, facilitated 2 adoptions per year.
As a new service, Adoption O.N.E. is now offering registration and working with Social Workers and Health Professionals in the communities of Northeastern Ontario. This might reflect upon the activities of the agency in the future.
- How does your agency facilitate matches between birth parents and prospective adoptive parents?
We will use our best efforts to match prospective adoptive parents registered with our agency with the requests put forth by birth parents. It is important to note that matching is never done on a ‘first come, first served’ basis as there are many factors to consider in making an adoption plan and choosing the right match of family for a child.
- What is 'openness' of adoption?
There are many levels of openness in adoption. Birth parents and adoptive parents are encouraged to create an open adoption agreement that suits their comfort level. Different examples of openness can include sharing letters, pictures, name selection, different communications and meetings. Exchange frequencies and methods vary from one family to the next. Extended family relationships in an open adoption are developed so adopted children will be able to have ongoing relationship opportunities with members of their birth family. Open adoption is child centered. It may help your child develop a strong sense of identity by having contact with members of his/her birth family. In an open adoption, their questions about you and their family background can be provided to the child on an ongoing basis.
If you have NOT completed your SAFE home study or your PRIDE course.
If you have completed your SAFE home study and your PRIDE course.